Sunday, May 4, 2008

Breathe Deep

Today is Sunday. Phill and Carter are at church. Kelsey is sleeping soundly. And I chose to pause. . . . for one hour. . . Put on praise music. . . Open The Word. . . and breathe. Breathe in our God. Drink up His Presence. Sit at His table. . . without speaking, without doing, without even thinking.
This is My God. This is what it means to be a child of His. This is what I lost the past 3 months. Lost somewhere between changing diapers, playing toddler games and middle of the night feedings.
But oh how my soul is starved. Starved for this very Presence. For this peace and comfort. For this vision from His Eyes - a glimpse at how He sees me and my life.
"When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I" Ps 61:2.
Countless times a day, I beg to be led to a higher place. To BREATHE. To realize the smiles I get between overtired tears or hunger whines, are the smiles from the Lord. Reminding me, that this is the glory of God. My purpose.
My purpose is not ultimately to have my children fed, rested and clean. My purpose is to bring Glory to God. And here ... in my arms all day long (probably more than I want them to be) are the instruments God gave me to bring Him Glory.
So I challenge myself - and ask you to challenge me ... to remember to Pause. To Breathe. To KNOW the God I am to glorify. If I don't know Him and feel Him - how will I ever know the song our family is to sing for Him. How am I to sharpen these instruments of mine, my two precious children, to play the music of God's heart.


Summer Pendley said...


You have really touched me this morning with what you've posted....I can TOTALLY relate. What we are going through right now draws upon SO many emotions all at the same time.....I pray that your time with God this morning gave you what you needed and reminded you of what you needed to be reminded of....He is ALWAYS there! Praise Him for that! :)

Talk to ya soon! :)


sjefferson said...


I love this post! I, too, struggle against the Martha in me and strive to be like Mary -- to sit at His feet! Isn't is awesome to know that He is always with us?

I love the catechism question, "What is the cheif end of man? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever!" This is truth. This is life. Lord, help us to hold loosely to the things of this world! This is not our home. Praise the Lord!

Leah said...

wow!! what an encouragement!! thanks svg!

The Usserys said...

ditto. ditto. ditto....great blog!

Kathryn said...

I need to be reminded of this and I don't have two little ones always vying for my attention. Thanks for this!! Love you!