Saturday, August 16, 2008

Teach Me

Yesterday, Carter called me into the living room with a fair sense of urgency. I promptly came, thinking I'd be helping him get his ball from underneath the couch or a basket of toys down from the cabinets. Instead, Carter sat down on the fireplace step and repeated, "Mommy, Mommy, come here."
I walked over in front of him, "Yes Carter."
He folded his hands in his lap and looked up at me with very serious and pleading eyes, "Mommy, " he said, "Will you teach me? Will you teach me so I can grow up?"
Mommy's heart melted, of course.

Thinking of that sweet little interchange between my son and I - God has reminded me of something. If I am a child of God, do I look up at my Father and simply ask, "will you teach me?" Hardly ever.
Obviously Carter knows he still has to "grow up," and as a two year old we know this is true. But for me, as a mother in my adult years, I consider myself already grown up (most days). But spiritually I know I have some 'growing up' to do. I'm not sure how I think I will mature myself spiritually if I don't let God teach me. And how does that really look in my life now - "letting God teach me"?
First, I think it means submission. Carter was ready to stop whatever he was doing and even put his hands in his lap so he could learn. As a mother of two, I will seldom be found putting my hands down. I am always "doing" - holding, creating, folding, cooking, fixing, etc. My hands, I believe, show God's labor of love to my children all day long. But if I want to be taught, I must stop my Martha hands and submit at His feet like Mary.
Next, I think we have to be teachable. With Carter starting preschool this month, I've prayed often that he would be "teachable" - that he would listen to his teachers and do what they say. So not only do I need to stop myself before God, I need to listen to him. How does He really see me as a student in His classroom? Am I teachable? Or am I running around so busy with my own thoughts and agenda everyday that He can't even speak?

Teach me your ways, so that I may know you. Exodus 33:13

I don't think we're ever grown up until we can say we know God. And I hope I always want to know him more.
Teach me Lord, so I can grow up.


Heather said...

i love this shannon! that is so true.

it is amazing how much i have learned about my own r'ship with Jesus thru the things my kids say .... watching them is a bleak reminder of my 'immaturity' in my walk with the Lord.

thanks for reminding me to be teachable today.

Kathryn said...

This brought tears to my eyes. How precious that Carter asked this of you and what a beautiful example! Thanks for the reminder that I need to be teachable!

HotMommy said...

I've noticed that my relationship with God seems to make more sense to me now that I've been a child AND a parent.

Garrett said...

Thank you for your words of encouragement. Oh How I need to be still and be taught today. We've got to get together! love ya,g
glad to see your blog!!!

Garrett said...

Thank you for your words of encouragement. Oh How I need to be still and be taught today. We've got to get together! love ya,g
glad to see your blog!!!

Rebecca V said...

Hey little girl! Would you like a ballllooooon?

Just a reminder that you don't always have to act grown up!

But seriously, thanks for posting this. It challenges me too!